7 benefits about Noni plant ¡Incredible!


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7 benefits about Noni plant ¡Incredible!

The Noni plant blossoms in virgin lands, generally near the sea; it transforms into a tree and grows up to 10 to 20 feet high. It gives fruit the whole year round, and the flower is white. The fruit has approximately 8 cm in diameter, from yellow to white; the pulp is brown and dense.

Health Benefits of Noni

- Immune booster: Noni is considered one of the most nutritious fruits. Many of its nutrients are known to stimulate the immune system.

- Digestive Stimulant: Noni juice has traditionally been used as a laxative.

- Anti-oxidants: Research has shown that Noni juice exhibits better antioxidant activity than grape seed extract and pycnogenol.

- Analgesic: The Noni tree is also knows as the ‘Painkiller and Headache tree’. Noni has been found to be 75% as effective as morphine sulphate in relieving pain without the toxic side effects.

- Antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic: With the presence of active compounds like anthraquinones, scopoletin and terpenes, Noni is effective against bacteria and fungus.

- Anti-inflammatory: Noni juice has shown similar results to the newer over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs, called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

- Anti-tumor/ anti-cancerous: Noni juice contains noni-ppt, which has shown anti-tumor activity.


Try with this fruit and change your life. ¿Do you like this nutritional info?

Fuente: www.naturalfoodbenefits.com
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