Beauty alert! Risk of using cheap nail polish

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Various people have suffered from health conditions because of their cheap nail polish. One of the health problems is allergies. People may experience an allergy somewhere on their body, and they don’t even know that this allergy is due to the toxic chemicals in nail polish. share the info...

Beauty alert! Risk of using cheap nail polish

How will you understand, if you have a health problem that it can be linked to your beautiful and cute nails, because of the ingredients used in cheap nail polish. With the amazing and stunning designs on fingernails, nail art is gaining popularity among all the ladies. But you need to be aware, the next time you consider about switching your fingernail art around 5 times in a month, you are exposed to the cancer risk.

Generally, the Nail polishes consist of Nitrocellulose. This chemical has properties of film-forming. Various cheap nail polishes have a large number of toxic substances or chemicals which includes formaldehyde, toluene and phthalates which are risky for your health. These toxic nail polish chemicals are discussed below:

Toxic Ingredients in Cheap Nail Polish


The main risk of using cheap nail polish is to invite life risking diseases, as cheap nail polish chemicals like Dibutyl phthalates in large amount which is listed as a teratogen. This toxic substance is a very harmful chemical that can cause:

Pregnancy complications
Birth defect
Loss of pregnancy
Do you know, Nail Polish can cause cancer.


This toxic substance is generally used in nail hardeners. And it is not generally used in nail polish. The formaldehyde is a carcinogen substance which is capable of causing cancer disorder. This chemical also used for indoor air pollutants. Formaldehyde may provide inhaling fumes which cause:

Watery eyes
Burning in throat
Use these natural nail polish remover.


Toluene is a neurotoxin substance which may interrupt with the works of neurons. What is the meaning of neurons? Neurons are cells which are generally found throughout the nervous system and the brain, Neuron cells assist with swallowing to other functions of the brain. There are some problems due to Toluene based nail polish toxic substance which are given below:





There are various harmful chemicals in nail paints; it is generally very confusing to check whether or not any of the nail polishes are harmful. It is always great to ascertain the ingredients presented in the nail polish.

If you often use nail polish, then it will likely best to stick to the safer non toxic nail paints (i.e. Free of formaldehydes, toluene and phthalates). These days, there are lots of nail polish on the market, as various folks are becoming aware of their fingernails health and their health. If you are often suffering from nail problems; you need to switch a non toxic polish as it is very harmful for health as we already discussed. The fumes of toluene, acetone and formaldehyde not only cause irritation in the lungs. Frequent removal and replacing of nail polish makes fingernails brittle and weak!

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