Democrats' diverse interns respond to Paul Ryan's Speaker Selfie


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(CNN) Wait until you see how Democrats on Capitol Hill responded to House Speaker Paul Ryan's selfie with a group of interns.

Democrats' diverse interns respond to Paul Ryan's Speaker Selfie

Ryan posted the photo on Instagram with the caption, "I think this sets a record for the most number of #CapitolHill interns in a single selfie. #SpeakerSelfie"

He may have been right, but that wasn't what people noticed. Of the thousands of comments on the photo, many of them addressed the fact that the group was mostly comprised of white people, with hashtags like #WhiteWash and #RepublicansSoWhite. Comments said, "This is so embarrassing. Look at the demographics of your country and then turn around!!" and "Finding an African American in this pic is like finding Waldo."

But the most noteworthy response came from U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-Texas, whose intern Audra Jackson gathered her fellow Democratic interns for their very own selfie. Why was it so noteworthy? Because, when comparing the selfies, the difference in diversity is striking.

Democrats' diverse interns respond to Paul Ryan's #SpeakerSelfie

"The picture of the Democratic interns look a lot different than the #speakerselfie," Rep. Johnson wrote when she tweeted another photo of the group, also including the hashtag "#Diversity."

U.S. Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-California, also showed off his interns on Twitter, writing, "We had a great group this summer."

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