Drink Water In Combination With Honey And Lemon Every Morning. You Will Be Amazed By The Results


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"This beverage is very simple to prepare, but it’s also very effective since it protects againts colds and flue, provides energy, reduces pain in stomach and improves digestion.

Drink Water In Combination With Honey And Lemon Every Morning. You Will Be Amazed By The Results

Ingredients needed:
200 ml of warm water
Juice of half a lemon
1 tablespoon of natural honey
Method of preparation:

Mix the freshly squeezed lemon juice with the honey in a glass and pour water over the two ingredients. Stir the mixture well in order to dissolve the honey. The drink is prepared and ready to use.

Drink this healthy beverage every morning right after you wake up.

What are the benefits of this drink?

- Improves digestion process:
Lemon is very usefull in the digestion process since it stimulates the bile to secrete more bile acid which helps the food in the stomach to be better processed and to gain maximum use of all nutrients. On the other hand, honey with its antibacterial properties, protects against any infections. It also enables efficent removal of toxins by stimulating the stomach to produce more stomach juices.

- This beverage protects from urinary tract infections:
This drink is a diuretic and is an excellent remedy for cystitis and constipation, since lemon and honey stimulate the work of the organs that are part of the digestion system, and also the colon.

- Cleanses the blood and purifies the skin:
If you consume lemon on a regularly basis, your body will produce new blood cells faster and in that way it helps in the blood cleansing process. It also protects your skin. In addition, water is also beneficial for the skin since it stimulates collagen production".

Try it and share it!!!!

Fuente: www.fhfn.org
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