The schoolboy, 16, who will live with a Russian porn star in a hotel for a month

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A schoolboy in Russia has won a month living with a porn star as a prize in an online competition.

The schoolboy, 16, who will live with a Russian porn star in a hotel for a month

uslan Schedrin, 16, was told he qualifies to spend a month in a Moscow hotel with the voluptuous Ekaterina Makarova.

He appears delighted about the prize, saying the X-rated actress has 'good sizes' and he is 'boiling inside' - but his mother and sister have reacted furiously.

'I didn't believe it at first, I thought it was rubbish,' he said. 'But when it turned out to be true, I thanked the website, I was so happy.

'I called my friends and they did not believe it either, they said: "What are you talking about?"'
Ruslan, who has worked as a child actor, added: 'Now they are happy for me too. Some of them are envious.

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