Stunning One Eyed Cat Who Loves Swimming And Surfing In Hawaii

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Kuli, the one-eyed cat, has been surfing with his owners Alexandra Gomez and Krista Littleton for over a year in Honolulu, Hawaii. He was only 6 months old when he began riding waves.

Stunning One Eyed Cat Who Loves Swimming And Surfing In Hawaii

Kuli, whose name means “to look blind,” is fine with water, probably because his owners used to bath him when he was recovering from eye surgery. The kitty was rescued from the streets when he was tiny and malnourished, weighing only one pound.

“His first time in the water, we just let him float on the board by himself near the shoreline and I would paddle around with him,” Ms Gomez told dailymail. “Before we knew it we were looking for waves to surf.” The kitty is safe and sound, he wears a life jacket when needed!

The kitty was only 6 months old when he began riding waves. “His first time in the water, we just let him float on the board by himself near the shoreline and I would paddle around with him”. He is fine with water, probably because his owners used to bath him when he was recovering from eye surgery. The kitty was rescued from the streets when he was tiny and malnourished, his left eye had to be removed due to infection.

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